Friday morning I had a doctor's appointment and am very happy to report that everything looks great and our little guy is doing well. I shared my concerns with the doctor about this little guy coming super fast like Jack did. My doctor was sympathetic and definitely helped ease my mind. He did offer to induce a week early if it would make me feel better. It is very tempting. But, I personally just can't justify getting induced early without any medical reason for it. So, I am going to continue to trust God's timing and continue praying that our sweet boy is not born on the side of the highway!
Here is the 37 week shot!

The hilight of our weekend was definitely on Saturday night. The hubs and my dad took the boys to Monster Jam and my mom and I had a girls evening with Soph (out to dinner and then to Target, doesn't get much girlier than that!). The boys LOVED Monster Jam and apparently did great. They got there at 6 and stayed until almost 10 o'clock! I have loved getting a full report back from all the boys (including the hubs!) I think they are already planning next year's Monster Jam! And girl's night was great too... my mom and I got new matching slippers. We thought they looked very Valentines-y!

Yesterday we went to the late service at church since everyone slept in a bit after the big night. Plus, we were waiting for a roads to get plowed after the big snow. When we got home we had a quick lunch and then the kiddos and Nick had to head out to play in the snow!

Playtime was followed by some hot chocolate and a movie rest time. Then we headed to my parent's house to watch the Super Bowl. Despite the fact that the game was super boring we had a great time! My mom made amazingly delicious gumbo and there was chocolate pie for dessert... some things are all about the food!
Not too much on the agenda for this week. I am not sleeping well at night so we are taking the days easy and just enjoying our time together.
I hope everyone has a good week!
Hot chocolate and a movie rest time sounds delightful!!