I can't believe this sweet little man will be 4 weeks old on Monday. Time is flying by... please make it stop. Even though the newborn days can be taxing I absolutely love them. This little mister is pretty unpredictable. He has days where he is happy and content and days where he has to be held 24/7 or there will be some serious screaming. One night he slept almost 6 hours straight... most nights he is up about every 2 hours. But, seriously, I love these days even though I am tired.
I got this picture this morning and pretty much cried as soon as I took it! I am so blessed!

Why God would choose Nick and I to raise these four is more than I can take in. I only have one word for it, GRACE! These four were so cute this morning because this wasn't even staged. I had been changing Sam on the blanket and asked Sophie if she wanted to sit by him while I threw his diaper away and washed my hands... I came back to this...{heart melted}
It was such a beautiful reminder of something that I truly believe; giving your children siblings is one of the greatest blessings you can give then. I believe that raising kids in a home centered on the gospel of Jesus is the greatest gift you can give them. The second is having a good marriage and making your spouse your first priority after God. And third is siblings! My kids definitely fight... a lot some days. But, they love each other fiercely too. To watch them love each other and play with each other everyday is amazing. And I just plead with God that they will always be close.
This post makes me even more exited to bring our 2nd baby into this world, only 10 more weeks! Logan is already very interested in the baby and I know he will be such a great big brother.