Wednesday, October 23, 2013

One on one time :)

Like I said, I have always wanted to have a bigger family. Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to be a mom. It is certainly a blessing to be living out my dream job! Especially alongside a husband who shares the dream!

One of the best parts about having several kiddos is having the opportunity to get to know these amazing little people as individuals. It never ceases to amaze me how children growing up in the same environment with the same parents can have such different little personalities.

I feel like since I stay at home full time and since we homeschool I get lots of opportunities to get to know my children. We are always together! Getting one on one time really isn't that challenging as long as I am intentional about it.

Some simple things I do throughout the day to have one on one time with my kiddos include;

  • Taking a child with me to run an errand. Sure, I rarely go to the store alone, but having company is more fun anyway. And the sweet little conversations make it all worth it. 
  • Doing chores together! Seems silly and not very fun, but whenever I pull one of my kiddos aside to do a job with me or to train them on a new skill we usually end up having some great quality time together. Great conversations can come when washing windows or folding laundry together!
  • Stopping to play. I make it a point to stop and play with each of my kiddos everyday. Sometimes it means saying "yes" when asked to do a puzzle or dress Calico Critters. And sometimes it means joining in on some playtime already in session when the kids are playing by themselves. I will often pop in when someone is playing Legos or playing zoo. My kids never fail to light up when I say, "Can I play too?"
Nick and I recently talked about wanting to have some good, "special" quiet time with our kiddos. As we chatted about different possibilities we realized that early on weekday mornings might be a great chance to sneak off and have some one on one time with our kiddos. 

A few weeks ago I got up early and peeked into Sophie's room and asked if she wanted to go to breakfast with me. She was thrilled and we got dressed quickly and headed off to Panera at 6 in the morning. It was wonderful.

Yesterday I decided to get away with Max. He asked to go to Panera too (since that is where his sister got to go). Our conversations ranged from chivalry, to what countries are in Asia, to college. It was precious time.

The opportunity to spend time with my kids really is priceless, it is an investment in something with eternal value! It is not a burden or something I have to do, it is my greatest privilege as a mom!

What are some of your favorite ways to spend one on one time with your kiddos?

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