For the past month or so Sophie has started begging to "do homeschool" too. She has let me know she wants her own workbooks and activities. Since then I have passed her some little preschool activity books or printed off worksheets from the computer. And she has enjoyed that. But, I don't have a ton of extra time for lesson planning these days and started thinking, "why not take advantage of her interest?"
So, last week I decided to spend a little bit of money and have the planning and work done for me and I purchased All About Reading's Pre-Reading Program.
The program starts with identifying letters and then moves on to sounds. I think a lot of this will be review for her but I wanted to err on the side of too easy and ensure she has the basics down rather than rushing her to the next level. Plus, my husband lovingly reminds me every time I purchase homeschool materials that there are several more children coming up that will use whatever I buy!
I am really looking forward to seeing how Sophie enjoys this program. After reading lots of reviews and searching the options I felt that this one was probably the best fit for her.
I will update on how she likes it! One of the best things about homeschooling is being able to switch gears or start things at any time! So, if she decides she is not ready for this and we can set it aside until later or we can go through it quickly and buy the next level in a few months!
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