As of right now there are 9 DVDs with more coming out. (They even have a Christmas DVD!)
I decided to start using them this week in our homeschool. The What's in the Bible website has a parent's section with a study guide (only for DVD 1 so far), flash cards, coloring sheets, crafts, etc...
Each DVD has two parts so each week we will watch one part of a DVD and then do any corresponding worksheets or crafts. I will also be watching along and taking a few notes so that I have some Bible trivia questions to ask the kiddos! I am excited and I know the kiddos will love it too. Win win.
On an unrelated note. I found a few good reads online this weekend I thought I would pass along...
How My Child Went from Homeschool to Harvard and Yours Can Too is a super interesting editorial written by a homeschool dad. While I don't homeschool my children so that they can be genius athletes who attend ivy league schools I still found a lot of his insights to be valid and interesting. He really hits the nail on the head when he points out that it is PARENTS not the government who are responsible for raising and educating our children.
How to Raise Brothers that Remain Friends be Jessica Bowman over at the MOB Society is a great read and really touched my heart as one of my highest priorities as a mom is cultivating relationships between my children (and that IS one of the main reasons we homeschool).
Also, if you didn't know, my baby sister has a blog! Go visit her here.
AND, if you head over to Beth Moore's blog today you can leave a scripture based prayer in the comments section for the election tomorrow and whoever is selected as President. Then tomorrow all of these prayers will be available in the comments section of the post and we can all be praying throughout the day for our nation.
And Happy Monday Everyone!

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