Friday, December 9, 2011

Kid Pics and Friday Links

Here are a few pics of the Little R's this week. They keep us busy all the time! But man, they are cute!

We have had a fun week continuing our Advent activity calendar. Last night we got to go to Journey to Bethlehem at Harvester Christian Church. For any of you local peeps I highly recommend it! It is quite an amazing production! We loved it! And we got to meet up there with my sister and brother in-law and my two sweet nephews which was a very special treat.

I wanted to share my favorite links again this week! I am having to re post because as some of you may noticed a certain 1 year old posted my draft which was only half done earlier in the week and added a few of his own words! Thankfully Jenn alerted me of the issue and that post was deleted. So, here are favorite links for the week in their complete and un baby edited form!

My Philosophy of Parenting: Pondering Christ by Sally Clarkson at I Take Joy
I have a feeling a week will not go by without a Sally Clarkson post included in the round-up. She is by far one of the most encouraging women. She is truly a Titus 2 woman teaching the younger women to love their children. The world would be a better place if we had more women like her being bold and mentoring us young moms without a clue! And she does it without talking down to younger women which is a rare gift!

Ode to a Mouse and His Cookie by Jenn at Just Us Scotts
My dear real life friend Jenn wrote this post and it totally cracked me up. I think we can all relate to this kind of day! And I was very impressed at all the pregnant lady was able to accomplish! Ha! :)

Enjoying the Simplicity of Staying Home by Lindsay at Passionate Homemaking
This post was so timely for me. I tend to feel the need to always be out and on the go but I also am very easily overwhelmed when life gets too hectic. So, obviously, I have found myself frustrated a lot lately. I felt like this post gave me the permission and encouragement I needed to stay home! I think I need to become much more intentional about my time away from home.

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