Currently I am reading Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary by J.D. Greear.

It is one of the books we are reading for our church's discipleship program. Both Nick and I are reading it with the people who are discipling us. But, it is so neat to be able to read it at the same time and talk about what we are learning.
I also just finished reading Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper.

I finished it in 2 days if that is any indicator of how much I enjoyed it. Mrs. Piper goes through and shares short biolgraphies of 5 faithful women in history and how God worked in their lives. It was so inspiring and really encouraged me to read more biographies and autobiographies of faithful Christians.
And that book (and the loan from a sweet friend) have brought me to my next read. The Autobiography of George Muller which I will start reading as soon as I finish this blog post! George Mulller established an orphanage and cared for thousands of orphans and relied on God to supply for all of their needs. Truly a man of faith!

So, what are you reading?
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