Saturday, October 11, 2014


Happy Weekend friends!

So far ours has been good. Although, my littlest Mister got a hold of some gluten somehow/somewhere and is absolutely miserable with tummy issues. After him feeling so much better for so long it is so hard to have him screaming and in pain again. But, hopefully it will all get out of his system and he will be back to himself soon!

We don't have much going on this weekend which has been glorious. This morning Nick took the "big kids" to swim lessons while I hung out with Mr. Tummy-Issues and then we all took a little trip to the cell phone place. We needed to switch carriers and while I originally thought trying to keep kiddos happy while looking at phones would be miserable, I couldn't have been more wrong!

Keeping kiddos happy in a store full of tablets/phones stocked with games = easy peasy!

Now we are just hanging at home and plan to spend the weekend that way... at least until church tomorrow!

So, here's to a happy weekend for all!

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