So, Nick and I decided to cut them off! We decided once a week or so we would let them watch one of their new "What's in the Bible?" DVDs. '
I personally do not think TV or movies are bad. Heck, Max has basically learned how to read from the Leap Frog movies! But, I just didn't like that it was becoming my kids first choice of activity.
I know it has only been three days but I already feel like my kids are being more creative and playing more. Sophie has actually started playing by herself in her room a little bit which she had never really done before (although that could also be due to her fabulous new Barbie Disney Princess Castle)! She is almost always playing with Max and while I love that, Max is pretty bossy so I think it is good for Soph to get to imagine on her own.
I will give you guys more updates throughout the month. Honestly, the one it is going to be hardest on is me. I totally use the TV as a babysitter. But, I need to stop. They need to be playing and creative and not sitting in front of the TV.

I have been reading this book and it is totally convicting and awesome. It is about how kids cannot be kids when their is too much stuff, information, chaos, etc. It has really convicted me to scale back on my kiddos toys and our business level during the day. The book talks about one of the best things we can give our children is the free time to just imagine and play on their own. It is hard to get a child who has always been entertained by mommy and daddy, movies and video games, or a busy schedule to do these things at first but with time kids will learn to entertain themselves and some of their best learning will happen during this time. So, that has also spurred on my desire to go TV free in January.
In case you are curious we did decide that they could each have 20 minutes a day of computer, LeapPad, OR Wii. But, that time has to be earned by completing their chore packs. Soph is a little young for this but Max is already so excited about it and it has only been one day. I think he feels really good about himself being able to work for what he wants. This morning he totally took initiative and put his clothes in the hamper and put his shoes on for preschool without being asked. This was a BIG deal in our house! And he was so proud of himself. It was great!
So, just curious, if you all have included New Years resolutions for your kids this year or if you are trying anything new with your parenting in the New Year?
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