I thought this idea was just too cute to not join in! You post all of your cell phone pics for the week. Since we all know that I am retro and don't have a smart phone (or am totally jealous of everyone that has one and just trying to make myself sound better) I use my iPod music player and pretend to be cool. So, here are my Instagram (my name is KatieRamsey if you want to follow me there!) pics of this week.
Date night in with the hubby included Amis pizza and Breaking Dawn Part 1
I am loving my new study Bible and my quiet times using my one year Bible reading plan have been great this week. I am not loving Numbers but getting to read Mark afterwards totally makes it all worth it.
I got a new iron. Someone gave me a really hard time when she visited for not having one. So, now I guess I am supposed to make sure my husband's work shirts are ironed. Who knew being a wife would be so hard? ;)
Scout likes to help me monitor bath time.
And I need all the help I can get. Do you see what I have to deal with? Hehe.
The kids and I made a little trip to Trader Joe's this week. I love that place and think St. Charles county needs one.
Later that day I enjoyed a yummy tea I picked up at T.J.s. It is very yum.
Scout looking thoughtful. I wonder what a dog thinks about?
I captioned this on Facebook with "It is hard to be 1" Yep, I caught the little mister mid-tantrum.
French toast for lunch. Why not?
The hubs leading family worship. What can I say? I married a rock star.
My new BFF Hannah. I got to hold and snuggle her last night at just an hour old. Let me just say, we bonded and I am in love.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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